Real Weddings from Your East Anglian Wedding

See how other local couples celebrated their big day with inspirational weddings and bridal stories from Real Weddings features in Your East Anglian Wedding.

Real Weddings: Where the Wind Blows

Where the Wind Blows

Kylie and Joe met 14 years ago thanks to a mutual friend. "Our bond was ignited by our shared sense of humour, which quickly brought us closer together," says Kylie. "Our connection grew, leading us to embark on numerous dates and lots of fun activities, which included a lot of sight-seeing."


Real Weddings: Our Happily Ever After

Our Happily Ever After

Chloe and Ryan met through a mutual friend. "I used to be a barber and cut Ryan's hair," says Chloe. "We bonded through our love of Harry Potter, and the rest is history."


Real Weddings: Where The Wildflowers Grow

Where The Wildflowers Grow

Molly and Zach met in a beer tent at Suffolk Pride. "I noticed Zach was wearing shorts, flip-flops, and a pink glittery beard," says Molly. "I asked Zach to wait a month for our first date, as I was about to hand in my dissertation and my degree was important to me. We ended up texting every day, getting to know each other.


Real Weddings: A Modern Fairytale

A Modern Fairytale

Rhianna and Joseph met through his mum. "Joseph's mum was a client of mine at my beauty salon," says Rhianna. "Joseph came back from New Zealand for his sister's wedding, and I was asked to do the beauty treatments for them at his parents' house ahead of the wedding. When I arrived and met Joseph, we instantly clicked. His words in his speech were that it was love at first sight, and he knew that I was the one."


Real Weddings: A Grand Affair

A Grand Affair

Bree-Anne and Harry met in 2014 through her cousin. "We instantly clicked and always had a laugh when we were together," says Bree-Anne. "We were best friends for a few years before getting into a relationship in May 2016."Harry popped the question in 2022 in Corfu. "It was a complete surprise," shares the bride. "It was the beginning of the holiday, and Harry took me to a clifftop as the sun was setting, where he then got down on one knee. I was speechless, but of course I said yes!"


Real Weddings: A sprinkle of sage

A sprinkle of sage

Katrice and James met through her cousin. "That was back in 2013, so we've been together for 10 years now," says Katrice. "He asked me to be his girlfriend on April Fool's Day, so many people, including myself, thought he was joking but clearly not!" Seven years into their relationship, James popped the question. "We had moved in together earlier that year, and after the first lockdown, he organised a trip to Athens, Greece, which is somewhere that I've always wanted to go," shares the bride.


Real Weddings: Somewhere over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow

Kerry Davis and Marina Withers (Chip) first met on Facebook!" Chip was my first female relationship," shares Kerry. "She spotted me on the Facebook Dating App shortly after it launched, she said 'yes' to my profile and it immediately asked me if I wanted to say 'yes' and pair with her – she has the most beautiful eyes! We talked online and were a couple from the first date!" Kerry popped the question on Christmas Day. "Chip is Estonian and English is her second language. I drew my proposal on paper– I'm a terrible artist – and it took her about 25 mins to guess each word, eventually I thrust the ring at her and said 'Well? Will you?!' oh-so romantic," laughs Kerry.


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